What a fantastic collection of treasures from your swipe file :) mine is usually saved in my screenshots folder.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” ~ Anais Nin --> a forever favorite. It helps everything make sense!

Contributing a few to your wonderful list:

- "Do what you will while you're able, find what it is that you seek" - unknown (sometimes cited as musician Xavier Rudd)

- "Embracing the process speeds up the process" @weeklyenergyboost

- "It's not who you are who holds you back, it's who you think you're not" - Basquiat

- "Sometimes you don't need a 'new chapter'. You need a completely new book." @zachpogrob

- any illustration by @justfrogetaboutit

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It's so fun to hear about your list! I will definitely be swiping a few of these great quotes

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