Love the thoughts Paula Wagner shared with you. Even with 15+ years of experience in marketing, I still feel like I don't know merely enough compared to others. But, this graph really hit home. Our knowledge and expertise partially overlaps, but all of us are good in something different, and that's ok. Thanks for this post. It made my morning!

P.S. As a marketing leader, my 1:1s were also often about impostor syndrome (both with my team and with my manager), lol!

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So glad this resonated! Thanks for reading and letting us know you relate. 🙏

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I love this so much. Somewhere along the road I was blessed with what my last boss called “a low shame receptor” - aka, imposter syndrome has no place here in my lifestyle of confidence. I don’t know what caused it, age or hormones or just not giving a fuck anymore, but it’s damn liberating.

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That sounds wonderful! I love the idea of a "low shame receptor" because there's probably not a lot you (or anyone) SHOULD feel shame about in the first place. It's not like you should have *but didn't*...it's that you realize it's unnecessary! Brava.

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Indeed! Liberation!

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